Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Week 4 - Tuesday 07 Feb

Today was a lot of fun as well as hard work - as most of them are. Here are videos of my work with David on the trampoline and treadmill. On the trampoline I do one minute with two feet; one minute single leg on each leg; and then repeat it - so 6 minutes altogether, which is really challenging (for most people, I think!). This helps stimulate the neuro system, and is a great workout for many leg muscles and a challenge for ankle flexion and foot placement.

These 360 turns on the treadmill also aim to challenge and strengthen the neuro system, as do side steps and backwards walking on the treadmill. They also get the trainers fired up and cheering - as you'll hear on the video!!

No over speeding today - we'll get back to that on Thursday, but there was good progress, especially with backwards walking. I'm starting to get good lift in the heels, which means that the hamstrings and glutes are really starting to fire. 

That's the product of lots of focussed work, including countless hamstring curls and yet more slugging up and down the gym with the sled pull. Today, David added an extra 10 lbs to the sled, taking me up to 80lbs/ 36 kg (around half my body weight). A client called Tom told me that he wants to do that some day. Its an incredible feeling to be inspiring people around me. I'd understand it if some clients had mixed feelings about seeing me do what they've been fighting for years to achieve, but I've only ever had people tell me that they find it inspiring. Later Tom and his wife started to share some ideas about using whips and stuff to move me along faster! Fortunately, by that stage David and I had got ourselves banned from using the sled pull. Jason, the floor manager, is worried about the damage we might do to the floor!! So, some relief for me there - except that David mentioned a hill outside!!?

Rest day tomorrow, but I will go in mid afternoon to meet with David and Genny to re-work my goals for the next couple of weeks.

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