Friday, 20 January 2012

Day 5 - hard work, big progress (and videos!)

The first week ended with another great day. Two hours with David, with one hour in between with Andy, both focussing on firing the glutes and getting a strong push off through the back leg. My legs were able to do many things I did not expect at this stage, including a treadmill walk (in a harness) at 4kph, many deep forward and lateral lunges, single leg presses etc. Here are videos of me jogging at the start of the session and then doing a 20k sled pull towards the end (I went up and down the length of the gym 4 times doing this). I had several minutes of squats on the power plate, a vibrating platform, which is intended to help get the muscles firing at a higher frequency. Its the weirdest experience, but seems to work. My legs withstood the pounding, with great responses - but I expect them to cry out for a rest tomorrow! 


So, you'll see that as well as success at PW, I've had a breakthrough with uploading video! Except that I can't seem to save the rotate change, so excuse the need to tilt  your head for a couple of minutes. But here's the video from Monday - which I have successfully rotated!

I'm in the house now, which is great. Looking forward to a weekend of R&R, before getting going again on Monday


  1. Looks good - Amy thought you were being a pony on the jogging video.....x

  2. fantastic! The progress is so visible. Best Rajan

  3. Try again as being a luddite I'm not sure if I managed to post a reply just now. I'd say looking very good but then you always were a bit of a show pony! I have to say that as this is the first time I've seen you on video I'm relieved and delighted by your progress - I didn't really know what to expect but there you are strolling along with a smile on your face and answering back as usual! Hope you get that much needed R&R this weekend and are fully charged for the week ahead.


  4. Paul, wow I can see from the video such a dramatic difference to pre Xmas. Amazing. You look very natural and at ease. Where is the house? Near PW?
    I echo Tony's comment above, it has taken me a while to work out how to post my comments. Not sure where my previous ones went?
    Have a fab weekend. Plenty R&R.
    Denise xx
