Friday, 27 January 2012

Week 2 - Fri 27 Jan - end of a great week

The amazing people in this place remind me constantly of several things. First, that this injury strikes people doing unremarkable things as well as riskier stuff. I met a water ski professional whose jump went wrong. But I also met a professional motocross rider who came off his bike when he was riding for leisure, not racing. And today I spoke to a lady who fell off a bunk bed ladder whilst putting her grandchild to bed and a guy who fell off a window ledge. I came off my bike when moving fairly slowly on a level surface. And the clients here range from young kids to people in their 50's or older. It reminds me that there are risks in most things we do at any stage in life, but that can't stop you living life the way you enjoy it. 

I'm also reminded that no two injuries are alike. My injury is at C5/6/7.  Many other clients here have injuries at the same level, but the impact is hugely different. That's why its impossible for any medic or therapist to predict a recovery path - every person and injury is different and everyone regains function differently. But that's also why it makes no sense for the medics to only stress the risk that he or she may never walk again. They should also say there's a chance he or she might, but to do that you must do everything you can to stimulate the nervous system to promote recovery. That's what this place says - and achieves results and gives people hope.

And I'm also constantly reminded that, whilst I suffered a horrific injury, I am extremely fortunate to have recovered to where I am so very quickly, and to have the potential to go a lot further. A client who has been in a wheelchair for two years told me today that she finds it  inspirational to see me walking around the gym. So I am giving hope to others around me. That's wonderful to know. It also reminds me that I have a responsibility to show others that there is hope.

Here's a couple of clips from today's session with Jason. 

Jason says the floor ladder is one of his favourite pieces of equipment because you can do a huge range of dynamic exercises to stimulate, challenge and improve the neuro system. I'm getting to like it too, and thinking this might be a good investment when I get home. He also convinced me of the benefits of a spin bike, so I think I might be wanting one of those too! The range of leg press work proved that I now have pretty much equal strength and control in both legs - giving me real confidence now in my right leg, which was much weaker. One breakthrough in my session with Genny was to do Warrior 1 and 2 (yoga postures) for the first time post injury. That, and many other things I worked on with Genny today, will help open my pelvis, which has become locked pretty tight. She thinks that is the last remaining area of weakness, and that working on that will make a big difference to my gait.  I had my second acupuncture session today. I do think its helpiing, especially to loosen my hands.

Its Friday evening. Where better end the week than on the beach. Here's what its like down there. Great place to end the week with a cold beer (thankfully I only saw the sign saying no alcohol on the beach after I'd drunk it!)

And here I am trying out one of the more advanced exercises I learned this week !!? ;-)


  1. awesome way to end the week! fantastic progress. love the advanced exercise - waiting for your return to learn this one from you!

    More seriously, delighted at the progress you are making. keep up the hard work - it is definitely paying off. Rajan

  2. Paul - looking good - I don't think I could do some of that balancing stuff but maybe best to leave the beach back flip until week 4...I've just finished reading an inspirational book Jasper bought me for Xmas about a NY firefighter's return to fitness and running the NY marathon 3 years later after literally being run over by a bus (The Long Run - Matt Long). It's poignant, funny, challenging but most of all uplifting and really echoes so much of what you are going through - it's only a book but by the end I was willing him to finish the marathon just like we're all willing you on so keep at it. I like your chill out zone on the beach - very you! Tony

  3. Wow the beach looks gorgeous. Good to see you are making space to chill out in style.
    I echo Tony above- not sure many of us could do some of the balancing exercises! You surely will be in a good place by the time you leave Project Walk.
    Do you have a picture in mind for your last day / evening there?
