Monday, 30 January 2012

Week 3 - Monday 30 Jan

I had a really chilled, relaxing weekend and managed to recharge and get myself into a really positive frame of mind. So, I thought today would be a good day to do my full routine of hand exercises and stretches at PW, on top of my 3 hours with the trainers. I just got home after an 8 hour day there!! And a really good one too. 

Here's a video of the overspeeding I mentioned last week. Not the most exciting clip - but it shows the issues I still have with controlling foot flexion and placement at speed (I think this video was at 4kph). But (1) this was about 9am this morning - everyone takes a little time to get going first thing on a Monday! and (2) as David told me AFTER I got off the treadmill, this was with zero weight support through the harness. Last week the harness was taking 45% of my body weight. So this was HUGE progress, especially given that I also reached 5kph. Hoping to better that tomorrow!

I spent part of today's session with Travis on something called the Total Gym (an inclined, sliding bench with an angled foot plate). Its a great way to use double and single leg squats to build controlled movement and get right into the glutes and pelvis. Travis also showed me some strength and stability work he learned from Russia's leading strength coach. Really worked. Where is this all going??!

After my initial assessment on Day 1, one of the trainers said that I should look at the video of Jamie Gillentine, a former PW client. She suggested that I have the potential to achieve something similar. As I said last week, every injury is different, as is the personality and circumstances of every person. That makes each person's potential and actual recovery unique. So, to my mind, Jamie's recovery does not change the odds for mine (I believe those odds are very high). But his video puts in very moving pictures the struggle he faced and his amazing achievements. There are many parallels with my journey so far, the progress I've made and what I am striving to achieve - I know that someday I too will run with my kids again. In that sense, Jamie's video is massively inspirational to me and shows what you and I are hoping, willing and praying for. Here is Jamie's video. This comes with a tissue warning! 


  1. Looking good - almost a run....Ali x

    1. Wow, every time I plug into your news you look and are moving differently. God only knows what you are capable of, keeping on keeping on my friend. You will run with them again I am sure of it.
      You are in my thoughts.

  2. Hi Paul,
    This is Anna (Ali's friend from university - lost contact for a long while (too long!)).Hope you don't mind me getting in touch. I have been following your blog and I just wanted to drop you a note to say your courage and determination is truly inspirational - and your amazing progress is testament to this. It looks like unbelievably hard work, but keep it up - it's clearly paying dividends!
    Well done

  3. If you can imagine it or dream it, then it can be.
    I mentioned earlier that for some reason my tears started flowing even before I started the video of Jamie. I think it's connecting to the resilience, strength of character, positive belief and orientation to potential that it takes to commit to what you and others at Project Walk have taken on (staff included). In moments of intense challenge, we can choose to focus on the pain, difficulties, the past or perceived lost future (often unconsciously) or we can very consciously choose to bring all of ourselves to the present moment and live out day in and day out what we want to make happen whilst taking time to appreciate all that is- progress made, resources / strengths already in place. It takes the latter route- a conscious choice- to get to somewhere like Project Walk and to achieve all that you, Jamie and no doubt many others have achieved. Keep at it my friend. This experience is not only gait transforming it is character and life transforming and there is huge potential in that. Denise x
