Thursday, 26 January 2012

Week 2 - Thurs 26 Jan - with videos!

I wanted to show you the variety and range of exercises I do. Here's a video from today's session with Steve. Even this is just a very small sample of today's work with Steve and Genny. 

Genny's session focussed a lot on opening, loosening and strengthening the right hip. The movement is all there, but I need to strengthen that muscle group - and learn to trust it. My sense is that a lot of my progress from here forward will be about building trust and confidence - the muscles are getting reconnected, the neuro system seems to be working faster all the time, and my body is re-learning the right sequences; but I need to trust that my muscles are strong enough to do their job and support me. The strength is there, as the trainers all say, but I've got to build confidence that the right muscles do the right thing in each step. And that's about repetition. 

Talking of which, one of my big breakthroughs today was to walk on my tip toes. I've been struggling with that for months. The repetition and hard work has paid off. I managed to do it really well today!

Several people have said that they have trouble posting comments. Si Wallace tells me that he fixed it be opening a Google account. Sounds a pain, but actually very quick and easy. 

click on comment at bottom of my post
- type your comment then click on publish
- select Google as the profile
- it then asks for you to sign in. If you already have a google account then no probs  If not you can create one immediately using your own email address. You don't need another email address.

Ali tells me that you also get a word verification to type in before you publish, but that's also very straightforward.

If anyone has a better step by step guide, please could you post it as a comment. 

And thanks for the comments that have been posted and emails that have been sent. I'm making great progress but its hard work and I need a lift from time to time - and your support gives me a massive boost.


  1. Hi Paul,Saw your latest blog early this morning.The progress you are making is excellent.Just the smile on your face made our day.the improvement every time we see a new video is fantastic .Project Walk are doing some excellent work and are to be greatly admired as are you. speak to you soon love Mum and Dad

  2. Great videos. The detailed feedback that trainer gives must be super useful. Tip toes..... Dancing with stars next. Just got back to UK - a rare cloudless beautiful day no But doubt not quite California. Do also add a few comments on non-training. - how is the self catering going? Any interesting characters in the locality? Hope to hook up on Skype on one of your days off. Cheers

  3. Paul...the trainers words at the end of the video are so true! CHAMPION! He took the words out of my mouth! We have been away over Chinese New Year so I have now been spending the last half hour reading each of your posts and you continue to be gobsmackingly and absolutely inspiring! Looks so incredibly challenging for you but the hard work is paying off and the videos prove just how far you have come! Keep it up!

  4. Paul I'm just tuning back into your blogs. Had my last day of teaching yesterday, quite a few farewells still happening, and leaving next Monday. So a bit going on here...
    As I watched these videos it brought tears to my eyes. You're already not the person who left here just a couple of weeks ago. Its phenomenal.
    I imagine you may sometimes feel you're apart from all of us who know you and your friends and family. But really you're not. I send you waves of enthusiasm, courage, determination, reserves of strength, stamina (mental & physical), will and humour.
    Keep attempting, keep believing. We are with you.
    And when you sit at times quietly, listen closely and you'll hear us cheering you on.

  5. Well said. Again, the difference in your gait is phenomenal. I watched the video of Jamie too. The power of suggestion (you mentioning tissue box) was so evident I had tears before the video started!
    I love that you are living to the fullest every part of this experience -in tune with nature at the beach, making new friends, socialising and more. It cannot be easy spending 8 hour days working on your physicality and yet there you are focusing on the desired outcomes and all your progress towards it. This is what fuels my confidence that you will arrive at wherever you head to as whatever we focus on gets bigger / builds and you are so focused on your progress. It is awe inspiring. I am looking forward to catching up in person when you are back. x Denise
